A general overview of St. Anthony Technology Curriculum
- K - 6th technology one 45 minutes class per week.
- Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy taught in all grades.
- Keyboarding practiced in 2nd - 5th grades.
- A Technology Enrichment session is available for 6th, 7th and 8th grade non-band students.
Find out more by clicking on each grade's page at the right...
About Ms. Cathy Guy:
I'm happy to begin my seventh year as St. Anthony School's Technology teacher! Each year our curriculum becomes stronger and more focused on meeting Washington State and ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) learning standards.
My goal is three-fold:
1) to excite students and build their confidence as they learn new technology skills
2) to enhance homeroom curriculum by empowering students with tech tools to better demonstrate competency in their learning
3) to present a variety of activities, inspiring students to develop an interest in some discipline of computer science
Favorite Inspirational Quote: "We can do hard things."
Grades 3 - 8: Use Google applications which require unique logins and passwords. Teachers have access to any student account. Parents may request their child’s login information. Students should not share their credentials with any other student.
Parents and students are required to read and agree to the conditions outlined in the school Responsible Use and Acceptance Policy at the beginning of each school year in order to access the internet and use Google accounts and devices owned by St. Anthony School.