Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten at St. Anthony School Planned for Fall 2025!
St. Anthony School’s Pre-K class prepares students to enter Kindergarten the following year through academics, play and social development filtered through the lens of our Catholic faith. Students wear uniforms and have separate play times from the other students at St. Anthony School. Our Pre-K classroom encourages hands-on activities through learning centers, whole-group teaching/reading time and small groups to reinforce the concepts taught.
Our Catholic faith is weaved into our daily lessons. Some big focuses of the week include Mass on Wednesdays and music and art specialists visiting our classroom. At the end of each day, our Pre-K team meets students on the carpet and talk about our day. We discuss feelings and how to respect and treat each other.
Our Pre-K Teacher |
Our Pre-K Aide |
Mrs. Bray |
Mrs. Alvarez |
- Drop-off / Pick-up from Pre-K entrance (separate from other students)
- Free Play (Curricular emphasis: social skills, problem solving)
- Clean Up
- Circle Time
- Prayer to the Guardian Angel (Curricular emphasis: religion)
- Pledge of Allegiance (Curricular emphasis: citizenship)
- Calendar (Curricular emphasis: math)
- Class Song (Curricular emphasis: gross motor movement and rhythm, following directions)
- Lesson of the Day (Curricular emphasis: alphabet, working memory, phonemic awareness)
- Restroom break and snack (Curricular emphasis: self-help skills)
- Recess (Curricular emphasis: gross motor movement and rhythm, following directions, social skills, problem solving)
- Learning Stations
- early literacy skills
- fine motor work
- problem solving
- Restroom break and lunch
- Pack -up
- Prayer and Dismissal
For information about applying for Pre-K, please email
[email protected].
About Mrs. Bray, Pre-K Teacher:
I am feeling extremely blessed this year. I am going on my 10th year working at St. Anthony School. I have an AA in Early Childhood Development and Education. I worked for 10 years at Bellevue College Creative Developmental Lab for four and five year-old students. I home schooled my five children for 25 years. I love to see the wonderment in the eyes of my students and to see their big smiles when they have accomplished their work.
Favorite Bible Verse: Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)