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5A Weekly Update: 11/18 - 11/22

Apologies for the late update, I'm still feeling a bit under the weather.
Because this is report card week, the only thing kids should have for HW is 20 minutes of IXL every afternoon (save for Friday). Otherwise all work in all classes is expected to be completed in-school. 
I'm working on grades as we speak! If your student has anything they haven't turned in yet, please have them submit this as SOON as possible. Thursday would be the last day I have to make any changes to the grade book. I will accept email submissions as well ([email protected]). 
No missing assignment report this week. If I'm missing anything important, I'll let you/your student know by EoD tomorrow. 
Please message with any questions. Thank you for your partnership.
Mr. Brown

5A Weekly Update: 11/12 - 11/15

Hello 5A Families,
Happy last week of the term! We have two main assignments this week, both due Friday: In Social Studies, students should be finished with their United States maps. Instructions are on Google Classroom. In ELA, students should be finished with their second Independent Writing Project (fictional 3-4 page short story). 
Students have a unit test on chapters 1-5 in Religion with Ms. Wright. 
We will have a quiz in Science on Friday (the Mystery Science unit unfortunately required another week so I compressed the lessons down from 3 into 2. Students can still use the Mystery Science resources to study!) and a Quiz in Social Studies on Thursday on the vocabulary from the most recent chapter that we just finished. 
Friday is the last day for late work! Students who are caught up with missing work are: Jack, Austen, Christian-Joseph, Henri, Taylor, Anthony, Arian, and Sebastian. All other 11 students received a missing assignment report. Let me know if you need me to email you a copy of your student's in case they forgot it.
If you would like to give permission for your student to watch the Tuck Everlasting movie to finish out our time with the book next week, sign the Wednesday 11/13 parent signature field in your student's planner! I told the class that pizza was on the line if we could get all 19 signatures back in one day. Here is a link to the Parents' Guide review of the film. 
Let me know if you have any questions!
Mr. Brown

5A Weekly Update: 11/04 - 11/08

Happy November!
Missing Assignment Reports have all been given to students- all except 5 students (Christian-Joseph, Arian, Taylor, Anthony, Sebastian) were missing at least one assignment. Because this is the first time these are going home, I thought it'd be best to also print off copies of all the work they're missing so they don't need to ask me or go digging later. Normally, the reports would only state which assignments are missing WITHOUT a copy of the assignment paperclipped on. 
Please sign your student's Missing Assignment Report and have them bring in the page you signed tomorrow so I know they brought it home. If they submit a missing assignment within the next two weeks (before the end of the term), I will be able to grade it with only a 0.5 point markdown. 
As a reminder, I grade and update missing/absent work on Tuesdays, so it could be a week before the grades properly reflect the work students turn in (even if they turned it in right away tomorrow). Thank you for your patience!
ELA: New Poetry Unit begins this week, we're starting slow outside of the ELA Workbooks with practice poems. Combo Spelling Test will be on Thursday because of last week's Friday mass and this week's Teacher In-service. I'll be grading students' Bluebook progress from units 4-6 during this, so they should make sure their pages are complete!
SS: Final versions of students' clay projects should be ready for our in-school gallery walk on the final period of the day on Thursday! Otherwise, SS classes this week focused on basic civics information and class discussion relevant to the election. No homework.
Math: Math corrections, then extra practice on fractions this week on packets that I made for the kids. First packet is a warmup and is graded on completion, second is slightly more difficult and graded based on proficiency.
Science: The unit is just slightly longer than the amount of time we have left together before the end of the first term. I'm working out a condensed version of the unit so we can start fresh with our unit on ecology for Term 2! I will keep you posted on quiz days- this week we will not have a quiz. 

Conference Note: Unavailable on Wednesday, 11/27!

Hi everyone,
Before I send out the normal weekly update, I wanted to let you know that I will be in surgery on the 27th and cannot make any of the meetings that might be scheduled on that day.
I wanted to keep the day open for you all as a choice in case both Monday AND Tuesday don't work. If you pick a Wednesday slot, I'll reach out to see if we can schedule a conference at an earlier time or to see if we would need to meet after Thanksgiving break. 
Thank you,
Mr. Brown

Grading Schedule Info + Halloween Homework Change

Hi again,
First, I was able to find out how to make PowerSchool provide a list of all missing assignments across all subjects listed under each student! I will be using my prep time on Tuesdays to correct missing work from the previous week and send home up-to-date Missing Assignment Reports with students. This week will be a soft launch of the reports so I don't get inundated by all of the missing work being returned all at once :) Take a look at PowerSchool and check with your student to make sure they haven't forgotten to turn anything in. Anything explicitly marked 'missing' and/or graded with a 0 on PowerSchool I currently do not have at time of posting (~2pm, 10/29).
Missing Assignment Reports will go out next week in students' gold parent communication folders and on all applicable Tuesdays thereafter. Students' missing work (and work from absences) will be appropriately updated on PowerSchool on Tuesdays; thank you for your patience and understanding. 
I also forgot that kids prefer going trick-or-treating to doing homework (???) so the IXL, Math Practice 3.3, and Codex Project due dates will be pushed back a day so they don't need to do any homework on Halloween night. In other words, 20 minutes of IXL on Friday instead of Thursday, Practice 3.3 due on this upcoming Tuesday, and we'll take an extra day in-class for the Codex Project (also now due on Tuesday). 
Let me know if you have any questions!
Mr. Brown

5A Weekly Update: 10/28 - 11/01

Happy Halloween and a Blessed All Saints' Day to you all,
Thank you so much to Trang Durkin for coordinating and for everyone who contributed to the Halloween party supply list! We'll hold our class festivities on Thursday the 31st during the last period of the day. I think it'd be easiest to send the kids with the supplies on the day of (or earlier!)
Since we're wrapping up our ELA unit with chapters on the Incan Empire, I thought it'd be fun to show the class the Disney film, The Emperor's New Groove, during the party. It's rated G. If you have any questions about it or would like to discuss alternate programming, please let me know :)
Homework Info:
ELA: ELA Workbook pages that students don't finish in class will be sent home. End-of-Unit "Codex Project" will be worked on in-class Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Due this upcoming Monday (11/04) if student is not complete during the workshop times (specific instructions/rubric will be posted in the PowerSchool assignment).
Math: Practice 3.2 due Tuesday (10/29), Practice 3.3 due Friday (11/01)
20 minutes of IXL daily, Monday-Thursday! New teacher-selected/recommended skills are up (for fractions), students would be best served working on those. 
Social Studies / Science: Should be no homework this week for either- students are working on a clay art project in SS which they'd only take home to paint after it dries out (not required). Science quiz will be pushed back to Friday so we can have the last period of the day for the Halloween party.

5A Weekly Update: 10/21 - 10/25

Welcome to the week.
Math Test Retakes: I've allotted the last 45 minutes of the day on Friday to be a time for students to give last week's math test another shot (should they choose to take advantage of it). Final grade will be an average of the student's two scores.
Number one thing to work on is definitely keeping track of place values when writing out long-form multiplication and division problems. I'll send home a packet of practice work tomorrow (10/22) to interested students. 
Homework Info:
ELA: Activities 8.1 and 9.2 were both started in class (8.1 [pg. 75] on Friday, 9.2 [pgs. 79-80] today) and are due tomorrow the 22nd. IWP #1 is due Friday in Google Classroom. 
Social Studies (5A): Ch. 2 Lessons 2, 3, and 4 Review Questions. Students may complete any 4 questions for Lesson 2 and any 3 questions for Lessons 3 and 4. Lesson 2 is due 10/22, Lesson 3 is due 10/23, and Lesson 4 is due 10/28. (5B) All lesson review questions are due the following class. # of questions for each lesson is the same as 5A.
Math: Unit 3 Practice 1 due on [Update: THURSDAY], Unit 3 Practice 2 due on [Update: TUESDAY]. IXL recommended skills will be updated to be about fraction operations after the test retake.
Science: Unit 1 test will be on Thursday! Students may can complete the extra credit study game assignment, info posted on Google Classroom. 

IWP 1 Due Date Postponed Until 10/25

Hi all,
An informal survey of the class showed that most students are only half complete with the writing sections of their IWP; some students still need to finish reading their book, as well. I thought it'd be best to push this deadline back a week so the class is in a better position to produce quality book reports. 
We will still have one more IWP in this first term of the year, which has a deadline that I cannot change! I've added a big IWP progress tracker to the classroom library so students have a better idea of where the status of their report needs to be at relative to future upcoming deadlines. 
Please let me know if you have any questions,
Mr. Brown

5A Weekly Update: 10/14 - 10/18

Hi folks,
Early post to address two assignments posted on the Google Classroom, the Mystery Science Lesson 4 Quiz and the Social Studies Chapter 1 Test. Both are Google Forms embedded within assignments posted to Google Classroom, and have been unlocked so they can be taken from home! They are both due at 9pm on Monday, so they don't NEED to do any work over the weekend unless they'd like to. 
Most students have at least STARTED both of these assignments. To maintain their progress, they would need to log into their SASR Student accounts in a Google Chrome browser, followed by heading into the Google Classroom the same way they would on the Chromebooks here. If they are logged into another account (or not logged in at all), or if copy the link from the Google Classroom without entering it like a quiz, their progress may not be reachable. They must follow the guidance above to make sure they don't need to start over.
Our first IWP is due this upcoming Friday, the 18th. I will have one more 45 minute work session for students to take advantage of on Friday, but all other work/reading would need to be completed on their own time. 
More info to come on Monday!
UPDATE: It's Monday! Big things coming up that students wrote in their planners are...
Unit 2 Math Test on Wednesday. I recommended all the skills we've gone over through the unit practice worksheets on IXL for students to look through and get additional experience in.
Practice 7 is due tomorrow. I won't be assigning Practice 8, we're just going to move into fractions in Unit 3 next week!
Spelling Test on Friday. We did much better on this most recent test! Hope to carry that forward this week, as well.
Science Quiz #5 on Thursday. Students will need to bring a powerful flashlight (Nothing crazy! Phone brightness or slightly higher is perfect) to school with them on Wednesday to help demonstrate the activity this week. The more we bring, the smoother the activity will go. 
Mr. Brown

5A Weekly Update: 10/7 - 10/11

Happy Monday!
Off to a running start this week!
Important: Noon dismissal on Friday so staff can work on school accreditation.
Additionally, our incredible learning services coordinator, Carey Riggio, shared how to link up students' Fall MAP Scores to their IXL accounts, which generates targeted lesson plans! Every student has received lesson plans in Math and ELA. Anything listed in their plan would be the best use of their time, outside of specifically-recommended skills by myself that align with that week's lessons.
Homework Info:
ELA: No spelling test this week. Bluebook (Sadlier Vocab Warmups) scores will be updated to PowerSchool, if a kid needs to finish pages or complete them entirely for a higher score, they have all of this week to do so. New unit and class novel went out today! Homework should be limited to a few pages in the work and whatever students don't finish in class.
Independent Writing Project (Book Report) due next week, Friday the 18th! I will provide two writing 45-minute sessions for students, but that will be all. Instructions/rubric posted on Google Classroom.
Social Studies: Chapter 1 Test this Friday. Study guide is within students' SS textbooks. Focusing on vocabulary would be the most fruitful! A list of all vocab words for the chapter can be found on the Geography Project instructions. Speaking of, I'll be grading and sending those back to students over the course of this week. We are taking a small break before shifting into presentations. 
Math: Lesson 2.6 (Order of Operations) due on Wednesday, followed by Lesson 2.7 (Multiplication & Division Word Problems) due on this upcoming Tuesday. Unit 2 Math Test will be on Thursday the 17th. No IXL required this week, but your student might want to check out their newly-generated learning plan!
Science: Mystery Science quiz will be taken in-class on Thursday. Links to the MS material can be found in Google Classroom for review purposes.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Mr. Brown

5A Weekly Update: 9/30 - 10/4

Happy October!
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the PTC meeting on Wednesday.
Homework List:
ELA: Students should continue reading/taking notes for their independent writing projects (book reports), due on October 18th. Working on composing personal narratives in class, no homework unless there's an absence.
Math: 20 minutes of IXL on any/all recommended skills on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Practice 2.4 is due tomorrow (10/1), Practice 2.5 is due on Friday (10/4). 
Science: No science homework this week unless students miss a day. 
Social Studies: (Info also available on Google Classroom!)
For the Google Doc Draft Submission, students must:
  • Write in complete sentences.
    • If they're just copying the info down from their chosen sources, that's acceptable at this stage. We'll be working on writing that same information in our own words through the draft resubmissions and revisions over the next two weeks. 
  • Follow this formatting: 12pt Times New Roman font, double spaced, at least three paragraphs, no more than two pages
  • Answer these questions: What is the elevation? What kind of vegetation grows there? Is there a body of water (if there is, is it salt or fresh water)? What is the climate?  These will form the primary similarities in the land area that makes up their selected region.
  • Correctly use relevant vocabulary from Unit One that relates to their selected region (Contiguous, Region, Relative Location, Continent, Population, Landform Region, Climate, Mountain Range, Erosion, Prairie Environment, Inlet, Gulf, Sound, Tributary, River System, Drainage Basin, Fall Line, Elevation, Natural Vegetation, Arid, Tundra, Land Use, Natural Resource, Renewable Resource, Nonrenewable Resource, Modify, Irrigation, Efficiency)
  • Provide the sources of their information. No formal citation style needed, just a website link or publication name is fine.
As always, let me know if you have any questions or if anything needs to be clarified. Thank you!
Mr. Brown

5A Weekly Update: 9/23 - 9/27

9/25 Update: Not only did the mass go very well, but the class did a perfect job remaining calm and orderly during a surprise fire alarm! Very impressed with everyone. 
I had a number of students ask me about Prodigy, so I set up a class for extra enrichment (no grading, just practice in ELA and Math). If students have an existing account, they can use my class code [CAB30C6] to sign in! If a student is interested in Prodigy, I can get them set up. This is not required.
The 5A-led mass is tomorrow, Wednesday 9/25, from 8:45-9:45. Parents are more than welcome to attend. Please make sure your students are here at school on time, as we will need to start heading to the church as soon as we are able. Students who will be participating in mass leadership (those reading, offering petitions, or bearing gifts) have been sent home with a copy of their readings.
Homework List:
ELA: We'll be learning all about similes and metaphors this week! All ELA work this week should be things we complete in class (save for absences). Students should continue reading/taking notes for their independent writing projects (book reports), due on October 18th.
Math: Time to test those multiplication skills. This week is primarily about multiplying 2-3-4 digit numbers by a 2-digit number. Practice 2.2 due tomorrow, 9/24. Practice 2.3 due FRIDAY, 9/27 (Had to bump a math class back so we could rehearse mass). Nothing due on the upcoming Monday, as Practice 2.4 needs three in-class days to complete.
Social Studies: This week we'll be introducing a lot of relevant vocabulary and in-text examples to the geography project, so the Google Docs and Google Slides sections are going to take a hold until next week. Any work students do on those is voluntary. Still aiming for October 4th as the due date for students' Google Docs (the other component to this project is the students' brief presentation to the class about the region they selected. This will be due about a week later, each student's presentation counts as the 'submission' for it). Students have received a map of the United States that they will label, sharpie, and color. This can be done at home. It will be due at the end of the term in November. 
Science: No science homework this week unless students miss a day. 

5A Weekly Update: 9/16 - 9/20

Hello again everyone,
This should be our first normal week in terms of schedule! The class begins band on Tuesday, 9/17. Students need to come with their instruments, books, and music stands every Tuesday and Thursday. I do not allow students to leave their instruments in my room overnight without extenuating circumstances (how else will they practice?!), but please let me know if there is a need for this no more than once-or-twice a week. 
Homework List (Last Updated 9/16):
ELA: Letter to Future Self Final Draft due 9/16 at 9pm (students can use comments in Google Classroom to update the drafts they completed in class. Every student has notes.) Frindle book questions from chapters 1-8 due in-class on Friday (Paper copy, not on Google Classroom). UPDATE: Students only need to do questions 1-6! The resource I used goes a bit past chapter 8, didn't catch it until students pointed it out. 
Math: Unit One Test will be taken on Wednesday in class! Studying on place value recommended the evenings of 9/16 and 9/17. Practice 2.1 ODDS due at start of class on Friday. UPDATE: This was a pretty easy lesson, so most students were able to complete the whole things rather than just odds. They should do some multiplication work on IXL to get their bearings to prep for the rest of Unit 2. 
Social Studies: Beginning Geography Region Projects in class. No work required at home, but students can use Google Classroom to work on this. UPDATE: I meant to type Google Docs or Google Slides- I haven't posted the official assignment yet, but will once I'm sure most of the class has a good idea of what the expectations are for the project. 
Science: No science homework this week unless students miss a day. 

5A Weekly Update: 9/3 - 9/6

Hello 5A Families!
Happy new start of the year to everyone. While I'm looking forward to meeting many of you at the Curriculum Night on the 12th, I hope my St. Anthony page can serve to provide important information on the start of the year as well!
First, it was a joy getting to meet your students. I'm very pleased with how well they did as we began establishing routines and procedures, and I'm sure that the next few weeks will continue to reveal and develop their focus and preparation. 
I tried to get them to head home with their backpacks as empty as possible, save for their parent communication folder and their planner (both of which will be empty). Anything that I'll be sending home with them will go in the folder, and it is a goal of mine to keep the class up-to-date on assignment information and deadlines in their planners throughout the year. I plan on using the beginning of our math periods to update our planners and organize portfolios.
Assignment information can also be found primarily on PowerSchool (grades, comments). Last year I enjoyed using Google Classroom as a host for the class's larger projects and rubrics, so you will be able to check specific instructions and deadlines on certain higher-scoring assignments there. Expect a parent invite from me to join the Google Classroom Updates list as we near Curriculum Night. 
All work will be completed in class this week, no homework will be required unless there is an absence. Once students receive their St. Anthony and IXL login information from me I will suggest they log in at home to get a feel for that process, but no actual work will be required. 
To cap this first update, here is what your students can expect a normal week at school to look like: 
Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions that you have. I'm truly looking forward to this school year with all of your students; I hope their first day was as enjoyable as mine.
Mr. Brown

5A Weekly Update: 4/29 - 5/3

Should be an easy week. MAP Testing begins with Reading on Wednesday, make sure they get a good breakfast and lots of sleep.
5/1: Math Lesson 12.1 Due
5/6: Math Lesson 12.2 Due
5/3: One-Page Mini IWP (Book Review) Due
All ELA work not completed in class is due the following day. 
EDIT: Some changes since I was out! I also forgot to mention that Friday is May Crowning. Any students who would like to bring flowers are more than welcome to do so, some 8th grade helpers will come by to pick them up tomorrow.